Carrier Account Creation / Approving Carriers – Brokers

Carrier Account Creation / Approving Carriers

To Remove an Available Load in the Carriers Dispatch App click the Edit link and UnCheck the App Available box. App Available need to become No.

Only Administers have access to Edit Company Profile or Add New Carriers. To add a New Carriers, click on the PROFILE tab at the top.
For Carriers to upload company documents, advise them to visit;

Below is a list of Carriers you have disabled access to your loads. already in this system that another Brokerage Firm has approved. To grant access to your loads with any of the Carriers listed below, search the US DOT#, then click the Edit button for that particular Carrier and check the Approved – to View and be able to Book your Loads in the app Checkbox. Once you authorize a Carrier, that Carrier will be displayed under the Carriers tab.
To view the Carrier’s company credentials or send an email request, click the DETAILS link.

Your Carrier will need to download this app.

Carriers Dispatch – App
Mobile internet service is required for app users.

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